You can use the club management area of the myAthletics portal to keep track of all your club members, including coaches, officials and volunteers as well as athletes. To update individual member roles, follow these steps:

  • Sign in to the myAthletics portal
  • Click ‘All Members’ on the left-hand side menu, you will be presented with a list of all of your current club members. The details under the ‘Roles’ column show which roles an individual currently holds within your club.
  • To edit the roles for a member, click ‘View/Edit’ for that member and you will be taken to their profile
  • Click ‘Edit’ on the member’s profile to update their roles by using the 'Athletics Status' and 'Volunteer Roles' drop down lists
  • Click ‘Update’ to confirm your role changes

Assigning roles for members will ensure that they appear in the relevant section within the portal i.e. ‘Athletes’, ‘Coaches’, ‘Officials’ or ‘Volunteers’

Please note, if you choose not to add an Athlete or Volunteer role to your member the member will be resigned from your club as they do not have an active role and will no longer show in your club member list.