You can upload an image to use as your member profile image through the myAthletics portal. If you are a coach or official this image will also be used on your licence card. To upload your image, follow these steps:
- Sign in to the myAthletics portal
- Go to ‘MY PROFILE’
- Click ‘Edit’ next to personal details
- Click ‘Upload new picture’
- Click ‘Browse’ to access image files on your computer and select the image you want to upload
- Click ‘Upload’ and your image will be updated
NB. Images which are going to be used for coach or official licenses should be clear, current, passport style images. Unacceptable images include:
- Images over 3 years old
- Washout colour
- Black and white images
- With sunglasses or hat
- Silhouette / shadow / spotlight at side angles
- Blurry images
- Watermarks over image
- Slim / squash image
- Damaged photo e.g. faint lines or holes across image
If you have uploaded a new image to your profile but you are not seeing the updated image on the screen it may be that you need to try clearing your website cache to get the image to refresh. You can do this by clicking Ctrl and F5 on your laptop.