If you have set up a club Stripe account to take payments through the portal and need to transfer ownership of the account to a different club official you need to log in directly to your Stripe account via https://dashboard.stripe.com/login

  • Once logged in to Stripe click on the cog icon in the top right corner to go to Settings
  • Scroll down to Business Settings and then click on 'Team'
  • On the Team page click on '+New Member' on the right hand side of the page
  • Add the email address of the club official you want to transfer ownership to and choose to add them as an Administrator to the account
  • Click 'Invite' – they should be sent an email from Stripe inviting them to join your organisation in Stripe. If they do not already have a Stripe account then they can set one up as part of accepting the invite.
  • Once they have accepted the invitation to join the account and set up their account you should see them in the list of members under Settings – Team. If you click on 'Edit' next to their name in the Team list you will now see an option to ‘Transfer Ownership to this user’ – click this button and enter your log in details to transfer the ownership.