Club administrators can view their club’s order history by clicking on ‘PAYMENTS’ on the left-hand side menu within the myAthletics portal and then clicking on the ‘Order History’ tab.

By default, your orders will be displayed with the most recent order showing first. You can use the search tool at the top of the page to search for a specific order number, member name or URN or use the date range filters to search for orders within a specific time frame.

From this page you can also:

  • Click on an order number to see the order details i.e. what payments the order is made up of
  • Click ‘Invoice’ next to an order to generate an invoice for the order
  • View the current status of an order
  • Click ‘Pay Online’ to make a payment for any order where the payment is still marked as ‘Order Raised
  • Click ‘Pay’ to access Stripe to pay an order on behalf of a member where a payment request has already been sent
  • Click ‘Cancel’ to cancel an order where the payment has not yet been made
  • Export a list of all of your orders by clicking on ‘Options’ and then ‘Export’ from the ‘Order History’ page