Membership types are important if you want to manage both your club membership payments and England Athletics registration payments through the portal. If you want to use Stripe to collect online payments from your members then you need to make sure your membership types are set up correctly and that you have specified whether they should include the England Athletics registration fee.
To set up different membership types for your club follow these steps:
- Sign in to the myAthletics portal
- Click ‘MEMBERSHIP FEES’ on the left-hand side menu
- Click ‘Edit My Club Year’ to confirm what month your club membership year runs from and to
- Click ‘Save’
- Click ‘Add Membership Fee’
- Enter the Name of the Membership Type e.g. Senior Athlete
- Enter the cost of the membership in the second box e.g. £30.00
- Tick the check-box if your membership cost includes the England Athletics affiliation fee - You should only tick this option if you want to include the EA registration fee in your club membership types and are tracking your club membership payments through the portal.
- Click ‘Save’
The membership types that you set up will appear in the drop-down list of membership type options when you are adding new members to your club.
You can add and edit membership types at any time but you can only delete a membership type once you have removed it from any existing members.