We encourage candidates who do not have direct access to a UKA qualified leader/coach (LiRF, CiRF or Athletics Coach qualified) to contact local groups or clubs directly. Contacting a local club/group would be the easiest option as it helps you with both willing participants and a qualified coach or leader who can supervise the session.
You can find your local England Athletics affiliated club at https://www.englandathletics.org/find-a-club-results/ or a RunTogether Group (usually more informal) at https://runtogether.co.uk/. When you type in your postcode in the search, you will be able to find local organisers and contact them directly to see if you can attend and deliver your short activities before or after their scheduled session.
Alternatively, you can contact your nearest run leader mentor who may be willing to help: https://runtogether.co.uk/get-involved/become-a-run-leader-mentor/